This lab stored integers in a Binary Search Tree ( BST ), and then prints them out in order.
To Do:
For this lab you are to write a main program that asks the users for a series of integers, until the user enters -999 ( which is ignored. ) As each number is read in, it is added to a Binary Search Tree, either by adding another node to the tree if this is a unique integer, or incrementing a counter if this is a duplicate. After all numbers are read in, the BST is printed, in order.
Follow the instructions in the comments of the provided starting files, and submit your results to Gradescope, either via upload or via github. ( Don’t forget to rename lab13.cpp to something including your netid. )
Lab 9B works with overloaded functions and different parameter passing mechanisms.
Follow the given instructions to edit and create the given files
For this lab follow the instructions to edit the given files. There are some questions to be answered within comment blocks in the files. At the end of lab period, zip your files together and turn them in using Gradescope.
Lab9 involves getting started on Project 6 using inheritance. You should work on this no more than 2 hours before handing in whatever you have gotten done by that time.
To Do
Download the following zip file to bertvm, and unpack it using “unzip”. Type make to see that it builds ( with warnings ). Then edit the code to make it as functional as you can in 2 hours. You may reuse code from lab 8 / Project 5 if you wish.
Lab 8 is the first lab in C++. In this lab, you will begin working with C++ classes by creating Sample and SampleGroup classes. Remember, this is a timed assignment. Please hand in…
To Do
Download the following files to bertvm and follow the instructions given in proj5Base.cpp. ( This is a starting point for project 5. ) Hand in to Gradescope whatever you have accomplished in the first two hours. Note that tasks 1-4 are for lab purposes only, and should be removed or commented out before submitting Project 5 as a homework assignment.
Questions for this lab session are posted to Gradescope, available at the start of the lab. This is a timed assignment, you have 120 minutes to complete this assignment from the time you start…
To Do
This lab consists of gradescope questions, some of which are based on the following files:
This lab deals with command-line arguments, setting DebugMode, and Valgrind.
To Do
Questions for this lab session are posted to Gradescope, available at the start of the lab. This is a timed assignment, you have 120 minutes to complete this assignment from the time you start it.
Use the following programs to answer the questions:
Lab 1 focuses on editing, compiling, running, and debugging programs on bertvm using command-line tools, and on the relationships between variables, pointers, and addresses. Tools used will include SecureCRT/SecureFX, vi/vim, gcc, and Gradescope.
Please review the following before lab, and ensure you can access bertvm, transfer files, and ideally build and run a simple “Hello World” application in C:
Links to the following files will be added before labs start.
( Note that the UIC web site builder does not allow direct download of source code files. 🙁 )